Cookies policy:

What are cookies?

Cookies are files that web pages store in the browser of the user who visits them, necessary to provide web browsing advantages in the provision of interactive services.

Possible types of cookies

*-Session cookies: These are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page, and are not recorded on the user's disk.

*-Persistent cookies: These are a type of cookies in which the data continues to be stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

*-Own: These are cookies generated by the website you are visiting.

*-Third parties: These are cookies that are received when browsing that website, but that have been generated by a third service that is hosted on it.

Purposes of cookies

*-Technical purposes: They are necessary for the operation of the website. They are also called strictly necessary. They make it possible to control traffic from the server to multiple users at the same time, identification and access as a system user, etc.

*-Personalization: They make it possible for each user to configure aspects such as the language in which they wish to view the web page or the regional configuration.

*-Analysis or performance: Allows you to measure the number of visits and navigation criteria of different areas of the website anonymously.

*-Advertising: They allow the implementation of efficiency parameters in the advertising offered on the web pages.

*-Behavioral advertising: They allow the implementation of efficiency parameters in the advertising offered on web pages, based on information about user behavior.


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